Precision Exfoliomics: Non-Invasive Host-Microbiome Multi-Omic Data Integration to Predict Infant Health Outcomes

Time: 11:00 am
day: Pre-Conference Workshop Day


While maternal-infant microbiome understandings progress, there is a need for new tools to identify and explore genomic structure, metabolic potential, and the complex interplay in microbial communities. This workshop will delve into some of the methodologies behind the latest analytical innovations

This workshop will highlight:

  • Assessment of the stool-based host exfoliated cell transcriptome (exfoliome) and how it reflects intestinal gene expression profiles.
  • Introduction to noninvasive molecular fingerprinting to assess the multivariate relationship between the host exfoliome and microbiome in response to diet.
  • Looking into the future using personalized longitudinal deep phenotyping
